Class Evaluation
1) I liked using computers and seeing the videos of people doing nice gestures for others.
2) I didn't like typing tutor or the keypad and typing so much.
3) I recommend that you change the agenda a little instead of doing the same thing everyday.
4) A highlight was seeing the videos of people being nice to others.
5) No but I didn't do that bad either.
6) Yes because they will help me achieve my goals and remind me why I go to school and work hard.
7) Yes because I want to have a good life with no problems and I want to be successful and happy.
8) I learned how to learn how to type and create blogs.
9) I will always remember to choose the right.
Friday, June 10, 2016
“You will go far with CTR.”
“You will go far with CTR.”
By: Mr.Haymore
I agree with this quote because your life will be good if you always choose the right. When you choose the right, you will hardly have any problems and you will have nothing to worry about. When you choose the wrong and do things you’re not suppose to, you bring a lot of problems and burdens to your life. It complicates your life so much and brings many negative consequences as well. Choosing the right will take you far. It might not be the easiest choice but it’ll be worth it at the end. You have to choose between choosing what’s right for you and choosing what you think you want at the moment. For example, if you’re in school and the popular kid in the whole school invites you to a party the day before finals, it’s going to be hard to choose. You want to go to the party and that’s obviously what you want but you know that the right thing to do is to not go and study for the finals. Decisions like this are important because these are the type that affect your whole life. You can either go to the party and risk failing the finals or stay in and study and get a passing grade on it. You always have to think about the consequences and base decisions on what’s right for you, not for anybody else.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
“Of all the choices you make, one choice surpedes all others- the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will affect you for good more than any other choice. THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is: To be a CTR Person-- to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!”
“Of all the choices you make, one choice surpedes all others- the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will affect you for good more than any other choice.
To be a CTR Person-- to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!”
By: Mr. Haymore
This quote means that there’s different types of choices and decisions but not all of them are as important as the Ultimate Choice. For example, there’s choices between eating cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. The choice you make for that, isn’t going to affect your life that much and the consequences won’t be as severe. But an example of an ultimate choice is between choosing to go to parties and do drugs or studying for your tests and doing your homework. Choices like this are what affects us the most. If I were to choose the first option, I probably would fail the tests and not pass high school/college and you have to take them all over again. I would also be hurting my body. If I chose the second option, I would pass the tests and my classes and have a healthier lifestyle. I’d have a greater chance of graduating. People need to learn the difference between choosing what’s right for them and choosing what they think they want at the moment. If you go for the second option, that one is most likely going to cause you to fail in life.
Friday, June 3, 2016
“If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.”
“If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.”
By: Chinese Proverb
This quote means that the world would be a better place if everyone had respect, honesty, manners, a good personality, loyalty, etc. We wouldn’t have such big problems like war and hatred and fights and arguments like we do now. The world would be much calm, relaxing, and nice. For example, up to this day, we have people who discriminate others because of color, race, family history etc. There’s others who spread rumors, judge others, spread hate, hurt others both physically, mentally, and emotionally, kill people for the pleasure of it, etc. People like this don’t have a nice character. It’s filled with hate and bad thoughts. This is what causes all these big arguments and fights between people, states, and countries. It’s not good and it doesn’t give you a nice feeling to live in a world with so many people who are like this.
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”
“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”
By: Sophocles
This quote means that you should always do everything with honor and honesty no matter what the results can be. For example, if you’re going to take a test, you should study for it and forget about partying. If you go out and party instead, you won’t know what to do for the test and you’ll be tempted to cheat. If you do cheat, you might pass the test, but you didn’t do it in an honorable way. You decide to take the easy way out. It’s better if you decide to study. You have a higher chance of passing the test and you did it in an honest and honorable way. If you were to do that, you would actually learn and it would help you later on for college or your job. If you were to just copy, you wouldn’t learn anything. It doesn’t help you to copy except for getting a good grade but other than that, you don’t know about anything you’re writing.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Daily Chocolate Intake Linked to Lower Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease
Daily Chocolate Intake Linked to Lower Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease
1) A current health-related event that is currently been going on is a research that scientists have been doing with chocolate. According to their research, chocolate has been proved to reduce the risks of getting diabetes and heart disease.
2) Researchers say that people think that chocolate is something that you should eat once in awhile but they recommend that you eat it more often. Dark chocolate is a lot better because it has the highest cocoa content which means it has a high level of antioxidants, which prevent some forms of cell damage. Researchers tested it on participants and found that the participants that consumed chocolate everyday had reduced insulin resistance and it improved their liver enzyme levels. The results were higher when the consumption of chocolate went up to.
3) The people involved are the participants from the research and the researchers.
4) People are spreading the word about it to inform people on the benefits of eating chocolate.
6) It relates to me because this can help me so I can reduce the chances of me getting diabetes and heart disease. I can also spread the word and tell others so that they know about it and they try it.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
- On Memorial Day, we remember those who died in active military service.
- Memorial Day used to be on May 30 but now it’s the last Monday of May.
- You can show honor and respect by going to a Memorial Day event or spreading the word about people who’ve died.
5. Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day.
6. I would plan on going to an event about Memorial Day and learn about it.
7. I think it’s nice to have a day when people remember and show respect and honor for those who died fighting for our country. A good deed like that shouldn’t go unnoticed. People don’t think of this day as an important day especially if they’ve never had someone die because of it. People need to realize that days like this are important, some more than others. The least thing that someone should do is show respect for it.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Eight Great Reasons To Tell the Truth
Eight Great Reasons To Tell the Truth
By: Barbara A. Lewis
1.Telling the truth let's everyone know what really happened. There’s less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
2.Telling the truth protects the innocent people from being blamed or punished.
3.Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
4.You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying (and getting caught).
5.Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
6.You don’t have to tell (and remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
7.You gain a reputation for being truthful - a trait most people value.
8.Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.
I agree with these reasons. Telling the truth always has its benefits unlike lying. It’s true that you get into less trouble when you tell the truth compared to when you get caught lying. For example, let’s say you get an F on your test and your teacher tells you to get it signed by your parents. You should just tell your parents the truth about your grade and just try to improve it next time. You should also let your parents sign it. But if you decide to forge your parents’ signature and turn it in to your teacher, you’re lying to both of them and you’re risking the chance of you getting into more trouble than you would’ve gotten in the first place if you just told your parents the truth. You also do feel peaceful because once you tell the truth, there’s nothing to worry about because you’re not hiding anything. If you were lying to someone, you would constantly be feeling worried and anxious about getting caught or making up and remembering more lies for someone to believe you.
Yoga Therapist
Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: Some of the duties of a yoga therapist are:
- Develop and maintain professional relationship with participants
- Perform and demonstrate all yoga exercises
- Help participants to perform all exercises effectively
- Maintain neat and clean exercise rooms at all times
- Design safe and comprehensive yoga programs
- Informs patients on the effects of yoga
- Design classes to fit individual needs
Salary: $36,900 - $66,530 per year
Education: 200 hours of training
Demand: Grow 24% through 2020
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I wouldn’t like to be one because it looks boring.
Monday, May 23, 2016
“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
By: Dan Dierdof
This is a good quote to live by. This quote means that you should always pursue your goals as long as their appropriate and they’re the right thing to do. For example, if your goal is to rob a bank, yeah that’s a goal, but it’s not the right thing to do and it isn’t appropriate. You should have goals like, graduating high school, going to college, getting an A on your test, etc. If you do have the right type of goals, you also have to accomplish them the right way. For example, if you’re goal is to finish your homework before you go to sleep and you’re too lazy to do it, you shouldn’t call your friend to give you the answers or search them up on the internet. You should just try to finish it so that you know what you’re writing and get it over with. What if the answers you get from the internet or from your friend are wrong? If you do the right thing and do it on your own, you’re learning more. But if you just copy, you won’t know what you;re writing and you’ll be writing any answer just to get it over with. This won’t help you later on in life. You should always do the right thing, the right way.
Wellness Specialist
Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: Wellness specialists are also called health educators. They assist people with health, nutrition, exercise, and mental health. They also help women with issues like pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and overall health.
Salary: $27,300 - $64,400 per year
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in health education
Demand: It doesn’t say.
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
No because it looks really boring and they don’t get paid a lot.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
By: Dennis Prager
This quote means that nothing you have is ever going to be worth more than good values. You can have the most expensive thing in the world but it’ll still have no value. Good values are things you can’t buy with money. You have to teach those things to yourself. Having good values makes you have a good reputation and people want to be with a person like you. If you don’t have these values, mostly choose the wrong. Having them gives people nice thoughts about you. Expensive cars, make-up, handbags, etc. aren’t worth anything compared to good values.
Duties and Responsibilities: A veterinarian treats diseased and injured animals. Their duties include:
- Diagnose and treat animals
- Treat wounds
- Perform surgery on animals
- Test for and vaccinate against diseases
- Operate medical equipment
- Advise animal owners about general care, medical conditions, and treatments
- Prescribe medication
Salary: $84,460 per year
Education: Doctoral or Professional Degree
Demand: Increase 9% from 2014 - 2024
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
Yes because I love animals and would love to be around them.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.”
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.”
By: Dr. Laura Schlessinger
This quote means that when you choose the right, you always feel good inside and it benefits you mentally. When you choose to do what you know is right, you bring up your self-esteem and feel good about yourself even more. You feel good for choosing to do what’s right over what’s wrong. You also show that you have dignity to choose between right and wrong and still choose what’s right. People notice that you’re honest and have strong morals to know what’s right and what isn’t. You demonstrate self-respect as well. You make decisions based on what’s wrong and right while thinking of others and not just yourself. People look up to others like this and would rather want to have people like this in their lives. Unlike someone who chooses the wrong and does what they’re not suppose to, these are the kind of people that others want to stay away from. They will only bring negative actions and consequences into your life.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Phillips Riggs’ Four Success Tips
Phillips Riggs’ Four Success Tips
- Work hard.
- Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
- Don’t chase after money.
- Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
These tips are a good guide for succeeding. Whatever you plan on doing, you should always work hard for it because for example, if you want to be a cop when you grow up, you’re obviously not the only one who wants be a cop as well. There’s thousands and even millions of people who want to be that too, but if you work really hard for it, you have a higher chance of being what you want to be unlike those who don’t work hard for it. You should also choose to work in something that you really like to do instead of because how much money you get. When you work in something you like, you look forward to working everyday. If you treat and help others, good things will come to you.
World Records
World Records
1. Smallest Dog Living
2. This record is held by a chihuahua named Milly and its owner is a lady from Puerto Rico named Vanesa Semler.
3. The record was set on February 21, 2013.
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1. Fastest Mile By A Female in 4/12.56 minutes
2. Svetlana Masterkova
3. August 14, 1996
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- Fastest time to put 24 cans in a fridge in 5.78 seconds
- Silvio Sabba
- November 17, 2014
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Wednesday, May 11, 2016
"You knew what I was when you picked me up"
"You knew what I was when you picked me up"
The Indian was approached by a rattlesnake and it asked him if he would put him under his shirt and take him to the bottom of the mountain because he was cold and hungry. The Indian said he knew his kind and that the snake was just going to eat him but the snake said that if he helped him, the Indian would be special and he wouldn't eat him. The Indian finally decided he would help him and picked up the rattlesnake. He put it under his shirt and took him to the bottom of the mountain. When he put him down, the snake threw himself at him and bit his leg. The Indian said, 'But you promised!' and the snake replied with 'You knew what I was when you picked me up.' The Indian chose the wrong because he knows how rattlesnakes are and he still decided to help it. If he had left it alone, he would've never gotten bit in the first place. It's like if someone offers you beer, you know what it is and what it can do to you and if you still decide to drink it, you'll be facing consequences. It applies to us because you have to choose the right and do what you know is right.
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing."
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing."
By: Theodore Roosevelt
This quote means that when you have to make a decision you should always choose to do the right thing even if you're the only one that does. You shouldn't make a decision based on what others choose to do, but on what you think it's right. For example, if your friends ask you what you would rather do, go party at a club or study for your finals, you have to do what's right and study. Even if your friends decide to go party, that doesn't mean you have to do that too. If they want to do that, they can go ahead, but they'll be the ones facing the consequences of not knowing what to do during finals or getting a low score on it. Unlike you, who decided to study, finals would probably be easy for you and you'll get a much better score than them. Even if you're the only who chooses to do the right thing, you should still choose to do it. It means you're brave enough to stand up for what you know it's right. The decisions you make, affect you, your life, and the people around you, so make the decisions based on what's right. Don't let others make decisions for you, especially if you know that it's wrong.

Forensic Scientist
Forensic Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities: A forensic scientist collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes. Their duties include:
- Serving as a witness in court
- Inputting data into computer programs
- Preparing written reports based on evidence analysis
- Carry out laboratory examinations
- Serving as a liaison between the forensic laboratory and crime scene investigators
- Coordinating work with other members
- Overseeing the maintenance
Salary: About $36,460 - $84,000 per year
Education: Bachelor’s and/or Master’s
Demand: Grow 19% through 2020
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would like to be one because you get to help the FBI and the police with crime scene investigations. It would be cool to collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes.
Monday, May 9, 2016
"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong."
By: Wilford Woodruff
This quote means that you don't gain anything in doing what's wrong. It doesn't benefit you or those around you. It might even bring consequences to your life and you'll have to be responsible for your actions. Unlike doing the right thing, if you choose to do what's right, it'll benefit you a lot. For example, if you break your mom's favorite vase and you decide to blame it on your younger sibling, you'll think it's benefitting you because you're not getting in trouble. But when your mom starts getting your sibling in trouble, you start feeling guilty. You'll then tell your mom it was you and you'll get in more trouble than you would've in the first place if you had told your mom the truth. If you had told your mom the truth, she probably would've just told you to be careful next time or ground you for a week or something. But since you lied to her and caused her to get your sibling in trouble, she'll probably scream at you, take away your phone, and ground you for a month. It makes a difference when you choose to do what's wrong or what's right. If you choose to do what's right, you'll have a much better life.
I don’t know why I started doing this sport but I’m glad I did. I’ve been doing it since 2nd grade, so for the past 7, 8 years. I really like watching it during the Olympics. I enjoy this sport a lot and I’ve been taking my classes at the YMCA. The gym has relocated many times so I’ve taken classes in the YMCA of Huntington Park, the YMCA near the Gage Bowling, and the YMCA in Maywood which is where I still go now. I used to go this different gym with my friend in Santa Fe Springs because we were too advanced. His name was Alex and we took gymnastics in all of these gyms and we always did everything together. We were really close and always helped each other out and we actually met during one of the gymnastics when he was the new guy in the class. I haven’t been going to gymnastics in the past year because my parents haven’t been able to afford the classes and Alex was on his way to college so I haven’t seen him in over a year. I can do a lot of stunts like backflips, frontflips, handstands, etc. I always looked up to Shawn Johnson who is a former gymnast. She’s really good and creative with her routines. I’ve fallen a lot and gotten hurt. I’ve done these crazy flips where I almost had a concussion, I cracked my back and neck, I’ve fallen on my neck or on my back, or I just hit my head really hard, but I still keep doing it no matter what. I struggle a lot with learning new kinds of stunts but I glad I keep practicing them because I always turn out to be good at them. I always wished to be a gymnast in the Olympics but I honestly think it’s too late for that. But I wouldn't mind doing this sport for the next 20 years.
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