Monday, February 29, 2016

Background Dancer

                       Background Dancer

Duties and Responsibilities: A background dancer performs with or behind the lead performers in a live music act or in a music video. Their duties include: 

  • Auditioning for a part of a job or show within a dance company 
  • Learn complex dance movements that entertain an audience
  • Rehearse several hours each day
  • Study new and emerging types of dance
  • Work with instructors or other dancers to interpret or modify choreography 
  • Attend promotional events for the production in which they are appearing 
Salary: $138,000 per year

Educational: High School Diploma, A Bachelor's Degree is required if you want to teach dance

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? 

I would like to be a background dancer because I enjoy dancing and  it would be really cool to dance with many celebrities.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

"if you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of."

          "If you do what's right, if you live the 
             right way, you'll be taken care of."
                        By: Rachel Castillo

This quote means that if you live and do what's right, people will always have like an urge or feeling of helping you and having your back. For example, if you lose something that belonged to you and you live and do what's right, people will be worried for you and will most likely help in whatever you may need. But if you're someone who always or mostly chooses to do the wrong thing, people wouldn't really care or bother to help you and be nice to you. It's not that people are being to you just because they want to, but your actions/decisions define the kind of person you are. So if something bad or unfortunate happened to them, people would think that they deserved it or something. Unlike someone who's always nice and respectful and has manners, they're the type of person that people will most likely like to associate with. Being that kind of person will give others the choice of helping you or being extremely nice to you when you don't need it or ask for it. Most people wouldn't want to associate with someone who's disrespectful and rude. I mean if you had the choice to help and be friends with someone who's rude and mean than someone who's generous and respectful, you'd obviously choose the nice person.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are."

         "In life as in football, you won't go far,                     unless you know where goalposts are." 
                      By: Arnold H. Glosglow

This quote means that without your goals you won't get far. When you know your goals, you'll get far trying to achieve them. It's like when you're playing football. Without the goalposts, you won't know where to go or throw the ball to, so without them you won't know what to do or where to go. Your goals are what give you motivation to keep going in life and work hard to reach them. Without them, you won't know what to do and you wouldn't be so happy about going to school or working.  

Friday, February 19, 2016

"Only those live who do good."

              "Only those live who do good."
                                   By: Count Leo Tolstoy

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right."

            "What's right isn't always popular.
             What's popular isn't always right."
                       By: Albert Einstein

This quote means that when you choose to do the right thing, it isn't always going to be the popular choice. If you decide to be a follower and choose to do what everyone's doing, you're not choosing between right and wrong, you're choosing between popularity. For example, if you have the choice between hanging out with your friends and studying for the big test and you decide to hang out with your friends because they're not going to study, then you're choosing b

Friday, February 12, 2016

Poverty or Prosperity

"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than     anything else, and I can change that. It depends        upon how hard I want to work, and I decided                             that I would change it."
                             By: Ben Carson

This quote means poverty is something that can happen to anyone depending on the choices they make. But, anyone can change that state of living if they decide to work hard. I agree with him since I hate poverty as well but anyone can change it. People can choose to work hard and get out of it. But there's people who are to lazy to work so they stay in poverty for a long time, even forever. Those people decided to not try to work. In most cases, people themselves have the blame for being in poverty. As sad as it can get, people decide to stay like that and not work to get out of it. They rely on people to help them out or blame others for their situation but yet they never work or try.

Presidents Day

                            Presidents Day

Presidents Day is also known as Washington"s Birthday. It was established in 1885 in recognition of George Washington so the government officially calls it, Washington's Birthday. Even though, George Washington's birthday is on February 22, it is still celebrated on the third Monday in February.  The purpose of it is to honor all the presidents of the United States. This holiday is celebrated on the third Monday in February. To honor and respect the many presidents, you can cook the foods they liked. You can also read and share many of the speeches and quotes by presidents and go to campaigns or events.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right."

             "You can't be right by doing wrong; 
              you can't be wrong by doing right."
                      By: Thomas S. Monson

This quote means that whether you think doing the right is wrong, it's always right. Whether you think doing the wrong is right, it's always wrong. It might seem in certain situations or events that doing the wrong is right, but it's not. Doing the wrong, eventually leads to consequences. For example, if your mom leaves you alone in the house and you accidentally break her favorite frame or vase, you might think it's right to do the wrong thing and blame your little sister or brother. You might not get in trouble but your little sibling will probably get into a lot of trouble. That'll soon cause you to feel bad and once your mom finds out it was you, you'll get into more trouble that you would've have gotten in the first place. It's always good to do the right thing, even if you might get into trouble.  You won't have to be making up lots of lies and blaming others for your mistakes. Doing the wrong thing can affect you a lot more and it can affect others as well.

Monday, February 8, 2016

"Enthusiasm makes the difference."

            "Enthusiasm makes the difference."
                By: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

This quote means that your enthusiasm is most important when you're trying or whatever you're doing. Whether you think you're going to fail or succeed, you should always be happy and excited to try. When you have an Eeyore attitude, you're lazy and aren't in the mood to do anything. You're not in the mood to try. But when you have an Tigger attitude, you're in a really good mood and have a good attitude. You're more likely to succeed and be happy than someone who's always like Eeyore. The way you feel & what you think, determine or give you an idea of whether you'll succeed or not. Other than succeeding, you'll always be happy and have a positive attitude about everything which is good. No one wants to be friends or be surrounded by people who are much more like Eeyore. They rather be with somebody who's always happy and positive.