Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."

  "If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
                        By: Evan Stephens

This quote means that when you do what you're suppose to do and don't disobey any rules there's no need for you to fear of any consequences. If you know you did the right thing, then you should only be proud and glad that you did. For example, if you're taking a test and you cheat, then you'll have to worry about being caught and knowing if you pass or failed the test. But if you study and take the test without cheating, then you're more than likely to get a good grade and you won't have anything to worry about being caught or getting in trouble of failing. When you do the right thing, you never have to worry about negative consequences occurring to you. Unlike others, who never do the right thing and always dow hat they're not suppose to, they're always constantly waorried about what might happen to them. Doing the right thing, makes your life easier and casuses you no stress or worries.

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