Friday, September 25, 2015

"You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."

           "You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
                                    By: Ezra T. Benson

This quote means that it isn't possible for someone to do something wrong and feel good about it. If someone does something bad, they're going to feel bad about it. But if someone does something good, they're going to feel good about it. For example, if someone does something bad like stealing, they're going to feel wrong and bad about it even if they don't admit it. On the other hand, if someone, for example helped someone in need, they're going to feel right and good about it. It also means that whatever you do whether it's good or bad, you're going to feel that way, depending on your actions if they were bad or good. It's important that you do good because it will bring good rewards to your life unlike doing the wrong thing. If you do bad, you're only going to be bringing negative consequences to your life. It's not right to feel right about doing something wrong. You should feel bad and besides, it's impossible.

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