"Right is right, even if everyone is against it;
and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
By: William Penn
This quote means that you should always do the right thing, even if no one agrees with you or supports you. Just because no one does, it doesn't mean you have to do the wrong thing. Even if everyone agrees with you to do something wrong, you shouldn't do it. All the choices you make are going to affect you not everyone else. So every choice that you have, should be one the one that you chose according to you actions. For example, if you go to school where uniform is required and everyone tells you not to wear it, you should wear it because the consequences of not wearing it are going to affect you. But if you do the right thing and not listen to them and wear your uniform, you'll be rewarded unless those who decided not to. It's always good to do the right thing regardless of what others think of you. It isn't good to do something you know you shouldn't do, to impress people that aren't important and won't even matter to you.It's better for you to do the right thing and let people like you for the person that always does the right thing.
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