Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day

                          Veterans Day
                                         November 11
1.    Veterans Day is a holiday in which we honor US veterans and victims of all wars.
2.    Veterans Day is on the anniversary of the end of World War I which is on November 11.
3.    The purpose of it is to honor all US veterans and victims of all wars.
4.    It’s important to honor them because those brave veterans are the ones fighting and dying for our country. We should respect and honor them to thank them for making our country the way it is now. They risked and gave up their lives to give us a chance to live in a good country.  It’s also important to respect the innocent victims that suffered and died in cruel ways for no reason. Many people lost loved ones and the least that we can do is respect and thank them.
5.    We can show honor and respect by spreading the word about how many veterans fought and won for our country. For those who have social media, they can post a nice paragraph, picture, video, collage, etc. and talk about our veterans and victims.

7.    It interests me how people just decide to give up their lives and freedom to give us a chance to a better life in our country. I feel that they are brave and noble to make such a life-changing decision.

8.    I feel that Veterans Day did deserve to be a holiday the way it is now because many people get to know more about our veterans and victims and learn more about them. Many people don’t see the purpose of this holiday yet, but slowly they will a start to acknowledge it. Although our veterans do deserve better than just a day to honor, I think it’s nice to be able to honor, respect, and learn more about them. It’s hard thinking how someone can be so brave and noble to give up their life to give us a better chance at life in our country. You can ask about 10, 50, even 100 people if they would be willing to give up their life for our country and honestly, most of them wouldn’t. But these men did and I don’t know about everybody else but I’m very thankful for that decision. Sadly, thousands and maybe even millions of people have died in battles and wars but I believe that everyone should honor veterans. Without them fighting for us, who knows how our country would’ve been by now.

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