Friday, October 23, 2015

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."

                  "A good name is rather to be                                       chosen than great riches."
                           By:Proverbs 22:1

This quote means that having a good reputation is better than having a lot of money, luxury, houses, cars, etc. You can have all the money in the world but it won't mean anything if no one respects you and thinks good of you. It's better to be  have  people love you and respect you and be poor. For example, if someone has a really bad reputation with people talking bad about them, having all the money in the world, won't chase people's minds. All the money they have, won't mean anything because money can't buy people's respect and love. One night or one bad choice you make can affect you whole life and reputation. If you decide to steal, smoke, drink, or get in trouble with the law, you beginning to gain a bad reputation. It becomes even worse when you keep choosing to do bad things over and over again. Once you have that bad name, it's hard for people to think good of you because all you're doing is bad things and you're not doing any good things. Everyone thinks that doing all the bad things is better because it's easy, you think you have fun, and you think it's good for you but it's not. The right thing to do might be hard and not fun but it'll be worth it soon in life. It gives you a good name and it might get you all the things you think bad things get you but from doing the right thing. Having a good or bad name affects your life, so make sure your name affects your life in a good way. No one can make those choices for you or give you that good/bad name but yourself.

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