"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."
By: Peter Vidmar
This quote means that whatever you want most in life is what you should hold on to and not throw away for something that isn't going to last. For example, if what you want most in life is to go to college and have a good job, you shouldn't throw it away for to play with your friends or go to parties. You'll be risking the chances of you accomplishing your dreams and goals for something that isn't going to be worth it and won't matter to you later on. All the small goals that aren't that important right you, you should write them down and look at them everyday and know that those things won't help you reach what you really want. By choosing to do everything you should to reach your dreams, along the way you'll have all the fun you want as a reward and not risk the chances you throwing away your life dream. You might think that all the parties you want to go and all the fun you want to have with your friends will be worth it and important but they're not. Those things aren't helping you and aren't important. They're causing you to distance yourself from achieving your dreams. Later on, you'll start to notice that throwing away your dream for something so dumb like parties and drinking wasn't worth it. Once you have reached your dream/goal, you have a lot more time to yourself. That's when you can go to parties and have all the fun you want as long as you don't risk anything that you really want. Whatever you want most in life is the most important thing to hold on to because once it's gone, it will most likely be hard to get back.
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