Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all.”

    "Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly
                          of no great use; a right heart exceeds all.”
                                       By: Benjamin Franklin

This quote means that having all the strength, beauty, and money won’t be of any good to you. The only thing that people need is a good heart. That’s what beats and does more good to you than those three things listed. People think that having beauty, riches, and strength means everything but it’s not. All of that means nothing compared to having a heart that cares and chooses to do what’s right. For example, you can be the strongest, richest, and most beautiful human being but if you have don’t have respect, care, manners, or nobleness in anything that you do or say, all that beauty, strength, and wealthiness won’t be of any good use. People won’t walk to talk to you or hang out with you. On the other hand, if you have respect, care, and nobleness in everything that you do and say, people don’t really care how rich you are, how pretty you are, or how strong you are. For example, if I were given the choice to hang with someone between those two, I would choose the one with a good heart because I don’t want to talk and hang out with someone who treats me with disrespect and rudeness. People should be more concerned on how they treat others and on what they say, instead of worrying so much about how they look. That’s how people should be. But nowadays, people are more concerned with how they look and would rather hang out with people that are attractive whether they have a good heart or not.

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